
  Engine Decarbonization: The Ultimate Guide to Boosting Performance and Efficiency As a car owner, you may have heard of the term "engine decarbonization" but may not fully understand what it means or why it is important. In this guide, we will explain everything you need to know about engine decarbonization and how it can improve your car's performance and efficiency. What is Engine Decarbonization? Engine decarbonization is the process of removing carbon buildup from the internal components of an engine. Over time, carbon deposits can accumulate on the valves, pistons, and other parts of the engine, hindering its performance and efficiency. This buildup can also lead to engine knocking, reduced power, and increased emissions. Signs of Carbon Buildup by Soliman Cifuentes ( There are a few signs that may indicate your engine has carbon buildup. These include reduced fuel efficiency, loss of power, rough idling, and increased emissions. If y